Taiwan authorities are preparing to attack typhoon Maria, which will cross the northern part of the island tonight. Flooding and landslides are expected to occur.
The Foreign Ministry reported on Tuesday that Taiwanese authorities have closed schools and offices. Including the cancellation of many flights. To deal with the typhoon "Maria", which moves in the northern part of the island, we expect that this storm causes torrential rains. Floods and landslides
Taiwan's Central Weather Bureau said Tuesday. Typhoon Maria At present, the wind speed near the center is about 165 km / h and will play the northernmost part of the island of Taiwan Tuesday night until Wednesday. morning. In some areas, rainfall will reach 500 mm.
An official from Taiwan announced the same afternoon. Schools and offices in five cities, including Yilan Temporarily closed Newspaper publishers are plucking their crops before the storm.
UNI Air canceled 70 domestic flights on Tuesday. Meanwhile, two other airlines canceled their flights to the Japanese island of Okinawa. Cathay Pacific of Hong Kong has canceled dozens of flights between Hong Kong and Taiwan. Including flights from Hong Kong to Okinawa on Tuesday and Wednesday
. Taiwan's Central Meteorological Bureau Typhoon Maria will not be going ashore in Taiwan as it travels along the current road. This is a function of (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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