TAT boosts contemporary art by 13 international artists at THE FIR …


กรุงเทพฯ – 9 Jul – Immediately Resources

TAT Chachoengsao is pleased to announce the inauguration of Hua Hin Horizon's first ever Hua Hin International Hotel, on the beach front line.

Hua Hin's first international contemporary art residency program, commonly known as the Artist Residency Program, invites artists to stay in new areas. To create the imagination and inspiration to create the work. At the moment. This is the first time this type of work takes place in Hua Hin, where artists are invited to visit the artist's home. Rick Li of Australia, Marc Janssens of Belgium, Sanket Viramgami of India, Monika Grycko of Italy, Hideyuki Katsumato of Japan, Epjey Pacheco of the Philippines, Anna Maria Couderc From Spain to Hiep , Pham Huy Thong of Vietnam, Jesse Standlea of ​​the United States and Wasan Sitthat of Thailand participated in the championship.

Thailand's significant swimming pool is a good thing. "The art of expressing the imagination, the environment, beauty, emotions, experiences through the brush, technique and sculpture, the 13 international artists have transmitted all our works in Thailand, which is exciting work. " [19659003Lebonartistel'artistequiapenséetinitiécetravailaajoutécela"NousavonsunartisteinternationaltravaillantàHuaHinNousavonsbeaucoupplusd'échangesdeconnaissancesL'artdecréerdesœuvresquenousavonsajoutéeslesunesauxautresaététransmisdanscetartTouteslesexpositionsserontexposéesaucentrecommercialRiverCitySiPhrayaàpartirdu11juilletCeuxquis'intéressentàl'artpourrontvoirlaperformancejusqu'au20juillet"

The first international program of residence d & # 39; contemporary art Hua Hin s & # 39 is held at Nern Chalet Beachfront Hua Hin and has been sponsored by the TAT Nern Hotel Chalet Beachfront Hua Hin Phatthalung. Wadi Theater, Poda Art Club, Art Center, River City Shopping Center, Commercial Village, Hua Hin Market and Immortal Resources Co., Ltd. For those who are interested in the art, you can find artists and watch all the works. At the River City Mall, Si Phraya, July 11-20.

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