TEC 62 Offers a Separate Review of the National Center for Electronic and Computer Technology


The first round of acceleration "Prasert" pointed to the doctor must find a point of balance

At the meeting of the Rector of Thailand. Organize the hearing on the selection of people to study in higher education institutions or TAX during the 2562 academic year at Chulalongkorn University As Associate Professor Dr Prasert Kramanont acting as secretary of the Prime Minister's Cabinet concluded the proposal. The 3 main points are: 1. The selection period will be 4 months from February to May 2. The selection of the 3rd round to meet to choose the first 4. There will be a clear waiver period. And when confirmed. Only one session

took place, then participants were invited to give their comments, including tutors, tutors, most of whom had similar proposals. In the first round of the round, the portfolio or portfolio should start before February. Choose a variety of branches. And with the announcement of Round 3 results only 1, students are once again concerned about the web crash case. And see that entry to the university is too difficult. Make a tutorial, for any other standard course fee. The university itself. There are high fees. As a result, the cost of each application increases.

The Prof. Dr. Prasert said that he would listen to all proposals and continue to present them. At this stage, the issue of GATT separation has attracted much interest at all stages. This is both good and bad. He must find a balance. And these are the worries. Thai children do not know each other. I would advise the teacher to guide the children to discover them before going to the university. This will help solve the problem. Optional (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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