Thailand 4.0 Thailand Smart Hospital


<img width = "420" height = "280" src = " 420×280.jpeg "class =" attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image "alt =" Suanppee Hospital meets Thailand 4.0 Develops services according to Smart Hospital "title =" Suanppee hospital meets Thailand Smart Hospital "srcset = " 2018/07 / 3E04FFC5-3839-41C6-8D31-EFAD951D5197-150×100.jpeg 150w, wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / 3E04FFC5-3839- 41C6-8D31-EFAD951D5197-420×280.jpeg 420w, -41C6-8D31-EFAD951D5197-768×512.jpeg 768w, http: //×480.jpeg 720w, http : //×400.jpeg 600wx, 420px [/ url]

Suan Phueng The Answer [19659003] Thailand 4.0 Loan Development of services according to guidelines Good health Good health Good health

Policy response. Thailand Integrated in Many Regions Smart Life to deals with quality of life. Persons in good health and Good Environment "in the style of the model garden. 1) Intelligent people People with the potential to care of themselves, of their family and of their society 2) ] Smart Organization Organizations in all relevant sectors: Participate in the integration. Operation in the same direction and the same purpose 3) Smart Hospital Support to the promotion of hospitals The team is conducted in the form of a team meeting the needs of people to facilitate access to services. Developing services with advanced tools and science.


[19459016 Thanyalak 9051] Director Suan Phueng Hospital The Suan Phuen Hospital g is the hospital in the border area which has the mission to occupy people in the district and the district of Suan Phueng In terms of & [Phu[[[[[[hygienepromotinghealthDiseasePreventionTheRetirementHomeRehabilitationhelps to leave the poor and develop the community around the hospital. Promoting Research Staff And to find out more. forever. It's a good idea. NHS Nursing of Development of Public Healing Community "by the Past Hospital. Develop friendly service quality standards to service users. [19659036] ] Policy Answer More About Work According to the Works According to the Works Politics [19659036] Thailand 4.0 In the hospital is very modern.And use the technology to manage. to reduce the service process.To shorten the time wait to reduce congestion by example Take the series LaboLink The innovative OPD which incorporates an armrest Automatic scroll height ladders Patients can do it themselves.Once the measurement is complete [19659040] the value was transmitted . 19659036] Labolink Box We have automatically entered the database of the hospital. Making Management Faster and More Effective


It is also possible to prepare electronic medical records. The electronic waiting system includes Plan, monitor and report queues through the screen. which is currently under development in a mobile application. RDU ThaiCOC Transfers patient information to community health staff for continuous improvement, reduces recurrent diseases and improves quality of life, improves the channels of communication between people and hospitals through the system. Line and so on

<img class = "alignnone size-medium wp-image-108420" src = " 2018/07 / 6A3A99A9-FDDD-40A5-BF71-8EC6F16D7104-420×280.jpeg "alt =" 6A3A99A9-FDDD-40A5-BF71-8EC6F16D7104 "width =" 420 "height =" 280 "srcset =" http: // bangkok- -content / download / 2018/07 / 6A3A99A9-FDDD-40A5-BF71-8EC6F16D7104-150×100.jpeg 150w, / 07 / 6A3A99A9-FDDD-40A5-BF71-8EC6F16D7104-420×280.jpeg 420w, 768×512.jpeg 768w, http: //×480.jpeg 720w, http: // bangkok-today. com / web / wp-content & nbsp; There are also volunteers at the hospital. Extraterrestrial Happiness Number 1,384 Persons who were trained at STDs working as volunteers, along with village health volunteers to who help communicate with the community to gain knowledge of health care [19659052] Prevent Disease Control. "The development of public health information systems is important as it will lead to medical services. The health information was used in daily life to track their own health care because Suan Phueng Hospital is a hospital adjacent to the hospital. Added on: Caring people of the people along the border, and Strengthen people along the border is a tool to help reduce border disease. "Dr. Chattrakarn said in the end.