Thailand – Food Products in Thailand! Do not risk trans fats.


Wednesday, July 25, 2016, 22.04

Do not miss the Thai food! Do not risk trans fats

Activate the Knowledge Kit The truth of "Fat Trans": Lean food products in Thailand do not risk trans fats. After the operator has adjusted the formula in advance. Encourage the labeling of text messages and display the saturated trans fat content. Do not take the opportunity to advertise free trans fats at 0% while saturated fats are also high.

At the Thai Health Health Foundation's Health Learning Center Building (ThaiHealth) in collaboration with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Institute of Nutrition Mahidol University "The Truth of Trans Fats"

Ms. Supattra Boonmee Director of Food Bureau The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that the Ministry of Public Health No. 388, BE 2561 (1961) issued a notification prohibiting production, import or the elimination of food products that would come into effect on January 9, 2019. "It is prohibited to manufacture, import or distribute partially hydrogenated oils and partially hydrogenated petroleum products." And nowadays, petroleum and fatty food operators refine the formula without using partially hydrogenated oils. As a result, food products such as margarine, white butter, baked goods such as pies, fried cookies, creamy oil and trans fats are found in very small quantities. Compared to the use of partially hydrogenated oils, the main source of trans fat. This advice is effective for monitoring at the place of production. Place strictly sold The trans fat content can be sampled in products at risk. However, some entrepreneurs take advantage of the opportunity to advertise. "Trans fat free" or "Trans fat 0%" on their products. This makes consumers confused and understands that trans fats are free, while saturated fats are high.Therefore, to provide accurate information to consumers. So use the text. "Free / Non-hydrogenated oil The main source of trans fat" in consumer communication. Trans fat is only indicated on the complete nutrition label. Listed below is saturated fat. The same applies to saturated fats in case of violation of the notification. Imprisoned for 6 months to 2 years and adjusted from 5,000 Baht to 20,000 Baht.

Prof. Dr. Wanyanee Kriangsinyos Senior Lecturer Institute of Nutrition According to the Institute of Highly Pathogenic Transfusions of 162 transgenic fats, the recommended amount of trans fat recommended by the World Health Organization is not more than 2 grams per day, or 0.5 grams per serving. Saturated fats of no more than 5 grams per serving revealed that 53% of saturated fats were above the threshold and about 13% that trans fats were higher than the criteria. In conclusion, less trans fat is found compared to saturated fat. It is believed that trans fat intake in the Thai daily lifestyle is lower than the risk of having saturated fat. Trans fat is found in baked goods. The concern is that food products labeled as 0% trans fat, are afraid that consumers misinterpret the food that they eat. No trans fat In fact, there are also high levels of saturated fat that should not be consumed in large quantities.

Dr. Pairoj Poonnun, director of the Office of Healthy Lifestyle Now the company still misunderstands trans fat. And panic in consumption. So, Institute of Nutrition Mahidol University And a network of Thais. Get to know who is easy to understand and precise academic. "Trans Fat Facts" to communicate good understanding to consumers, such as foods that contain white butter, margarine, are components that consumers can eat normally in the right amount. Because the operator has changed the formulation and the process of producing white butter and margarine that do not cause trans fat. For fried frying oil, this is not a source of trans fats. It should be avoided because of its carcinogenic effects, as well as tips on how to eat healthy fats. On average, you must consume up to 2-3 teaspoons of fat per meal. In addition, the ThaiHealth with network of partners. Campaign and social campaign to reduce the fat consumption of Thais. Reduce the risk of noncommunicable diseases, in parallel with academic development, innovation and joint government agencies, monitoring of fat content and nutrition claims for food products on the market. After the announcement, it is effective to educate consumers on an ongoing basis.

Dr. Donat Garutkul network of the Thai people. Medical Specialist in Cardiology and Clinical Nutrition The hospital said that. Cardiovascular disease is one of the three leading causes of death in Thailand. This is due to the consumption behavior. Trans fats do not reduce the risk of illness in Thai society. Trans Fat, if consumed above 0.5 grams per serving. Will increase the risk of heart disease. Blood pressure and blood pressure It should not contain trans fat from industrial processes in the diet. However, Thai society still consumes high saturated fats. From the culture of eating. Should limit the amount of fat, the focus on steaming steak baking should not use high heat.

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