Thailand sends the first research team in the Arctic


Square in front of the Science Square The National Science Museum (NESDB) The Royal Institute of Technology (NIDA) Grandmother The University of Chulalongkorn hosts the first survey on the North Pole C & Is a polar research project initiated by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. Dr. Pairoj Thajayapong, Director and General Secretary of the Foundation for Information Technology, said: "Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Grandma He was the first Thai to visit the South Pole. 2013, after which he was sent to investigate the South Pole every year.Today, there are 8 Thai researchers at the South Pole and the year 2018 has expanded its cooperation with Norway.The research team visited the North Pole North Pole under the direction of Mr Waraporn Vikarn, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Marine Sciences. Prof. Dr. Suchat Chawanit, Professor of Marine Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Chulalongkorn, both Antarctic Survey researchers.Polar exploration will run from July 24 to August 12 in the Svalbard Islands.The Arctic Ocean

Assoc.Prof.Dr. The research team is going to study the changing conditions The North Pole is the area that becomes the world's waste container. In particular, the impact of global warming on marine litter, which is a continuation of Antarctic research

. Assoc. The research team is well equipped with physical and mental conditions, supported by anti-cold dresses called dry dresses. What will be useful for Thailand to send the team to explore? We are showing the world that Thailand is aware of global warming and marine litter and are ready to work with all parties to solve this problem. All the possible problems It's a puzzle that will fill the big picture that our world has changed. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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