Thailand to promote breast cancer treatment in biotechnology


Prime Minister Thailand's First Biopsy for Breast Cancer Hope for a Reduction

3 July 61 at Government House General Prayuth Chunyacha, Prime Minister and Head of the National Peace Corps (NCC) , said after the Cabinet meeting that there was a welcome story. On July 2, he was received by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn. Chulaporn Walailak Royal Princess To testify At the signing ceremony and signing the cooperation, research and development of biopharmaceutical products. Chulabhorn Research Institute And King Mongkut Thonburi University of Technology Breast Cancer Research in Biotechnology. The first production in Thailand is the first in the Chulabhorn Research Institute. It is produced by the Thais. Reduce the cost of expensive drugs by about 1 million per person and when the substance is eliminated. The next will be at the University of Technology King Mongkut Thonburi. To produce in the modern pharmaceutical factory. It must be tested with animals and people.

General Pravit said that it was the future of Thailand. To reduce the cost is expensive. And take care of people. Especially women who have a lot of impact. It is considered a prototype of the Thai people and is suitable for Asian populations. The Chulabhorn Research Institute aims to develop new biopharmaceutical products. Not just technology transfer. Or buy the copyright to produce only. Today, we must think of our own medicine. This is what is called R & D. The function of (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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