Thailand's invitation to visit Putin


Sarah Sarah Sanders, White House spokeswoman Twitter said on July 19 that US President Donald Trump had ordered John Bolton, a national security advisor. Russian President Vladimir Putin is going to Washington DC in the autumn of this year. After the summit, the first in Helsinki, Finland, on July 16, the couple announced that. The summit was a great success. And attack the opposition in the United States and the "false media" that tried to despise the success of this summit.

Trump was attacked without a chance at a press conference with Putin at the fault of Finland for Putin. The US intelligence agency concluded that Russia had interfered with the 2016 US elections and the United States Department of Justice. A lawsuit was filed against 12 members of the Russian intelligence service for hacking computerized data on Democrats and Hillary Clinton, who lost Trump's election. Trump still accepts Putin's assertion that Russia does not interfere with the US elections. But after being attacked hard. Trump came back to apologize for his "bad speech" and later, when reporters asked him if Russia had interfered with the US elections, Trump responded twice, "No," the spokesman said. from the White House. "No" is a refusal to respond to journalists.

On behalf of Ambassador Anatole Antonov, Ambassador of Russia to the United States. Press release via the Interfax news agency. Russia ready to discuss the 2nd summit between Trump and Putin Putin, who is also the head of the US intelligence service, said that he was not aware of the second summit, which was very special, as Chuck Chu Merriam, Democrat Leader in the US Senate Asked Trump to disclose the details of the summit with Putin. Only the couple and the performer. If they do not know what they are talking about, they should not have a summit. 2

According to US Foreign Ministry spokesman Mike Pompey, Trump rejected Putin's offer to send Russian officials to question Russian citizens accused by Russian officials. "Illegal Behavior" if the United States wants to send officials to question 12 Russian intelligence officers who have been sued by the United States. The Russians want to ask, including Bill Bolder, a financier and Michael McFall, a former US ambassador to Russia under the presidential government of Barack Obama, who once attacked Putin and contributed to it. Boycott of US officials

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