That's all! After being given money to help 13 lives in the cave.


Participant "Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Healthy Dog and Cat Nutrition" at CentralCenter, 1st Floor, CentralWorld. Amarachapha Chaiyaphum

Asked about the trip to the gods in Japan. And the question is whether the fake was given to children. And the boar coach has 13 lives at Luang Khun Nam Nang Cave, Mae Sai, Chiang Rai.

Asked about the fake money given to the team's boar?

"It may be somebody else, I'm not sure that's the case, I do not know what to do, but I do not know what to do." I do not know what do, but I do not know what to say. "He thought we would donate to this place.I think it's the same with this one really donated to the other. 19659005] Did you follow the news to Luang Pu?
"I'm busy with it. Now it is much easier to go out because a lot of people are happy and happy in that way.

A friend who sent a message when he was in Japan. I'm not sure that's true. This morning I was relieved, but I still have to wait for each other. "

Encourages Children, And Staff?"
"Children I believe that there is a team that takes care of it the best. And each unit of volunteers. You are very You have all the people in mind. Ask him to fight. Have a healthy body.

Have you seen the trip to Japan?
"Fun to several days, about 7-8 days as a merit.The Pope invited to pay homage to the Buddha.I wai all day around 5 every day, that's all.This step to ask financial

Another measure of love for health, we ask ourselves as he told me.I do not have much love, I need to measure more (Laughter)

The latter was very similar, if it's empty, it's time to leave, because we work hard, I did not think about it Wait a long time Before (19659019) )! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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