The 4th funnel of recovery & # 39; Hawk News 7 color & # 39; falls on the ground causing accidents.


The rural hospital team and the rescue team have recovered the helicopter. The 7th Hawk Hawk was flooded in the middle of the Khon Kaen rice paddy. Prepare to Submit Your Identity

At 8:30 pm on July 18, 2061, the reporters reported. Further research on the scene of the helicopter. In the middle of the rice field, Wang Ling, a rural district, Khon Kaen, which has a list of four people in the helicopter, including Mr. Sakun Wanna, pilot, Pol. The helicopter pilot, Mr Copernicus, and Mr Kargank Phin Nil, confirmed the death of the four passengers

whose last was removed from the remains of the helicopter. Rural Hospital and Rescue Use the cutter to make the body dead. Exhausted body The fire has not been recognized. Before the official implementation of the body of the 4th death to prove the identity at Srinagarind hospital. Meanwhile, the police And the relevant agencies. Always gather evidence, including the property. From the deceased There are seven colors of the crew used to carry the functions. Electronics, iPads, watches and documents. Always have the condition. The police were taken back to the rural police to investigate and investigate the occupants.

said that Athanaparp Police General Khon Kaen, director of Khon Kaen Airport, said the staff's work was to last all day. Facing the continued fall of the rain. By recovering the body of the deceased. Proceed to Care The next step is to investigate the cause, along with an investigation committee about the incident with the plane. In the Kingdom This area has been studied.

"The investigation into the cause is still taking time.Because there are many parties involved.Today, the recovery of the dead.Following is the investigation on the cause of the accident.And to recover the remains of the aircraft to keep.At first, he will coordinate with the aircraft owners of the company.To obtain the testimony and take the wreckage of this plane to keep in the rural area for further investigation. "

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