The answer to the nationality of the boar. Special privilege on other people.


Director General, Department of Children and Youth Affairs Coordinated view of the nationality of wild boar, three out of thirteen persons are stateless in social development.

On July 12, Vithat Techajbun, Director General of the Department of Child and Youth Affairs, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security) mentions the case of naturalization of young people in the country. Academy of wild boars, some of whom have the status of stateless as Thai citizens. This is the main responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior. The basic criterion must be a person born and living in Thailand for at least 10 years

. Candidates for citizenship must be parents. Or guard in a shelter The house must be registered with the ministry and have children under 18 years old for at least 6 people, as you know, preliminary data show that there are 3 children 13 years old . 14 and 16 years of statelessness As parents, a minority of Taiyuan living in Mae Sai, Chiang Rai now assigns children and families to Chiang Rai to find out. Is the child in a house? Some know it. In the church I do not know if this has been registered as a house with the or not.

however. I have to wait until the children leave the hospital. According to the naturalization process, if a child has a 13-digit number starting with 0, he is being registered. I will continue to follow the steps. If nothing needs to be studied in depth. Complete the proofs and documents. This can be done within 6 months, confirm the naturalization of these children. No more privileges. Follow the legal process. And do not have to speed up. The case of the coach has been identified. The same stateless people. Unknown

General Anantaporn Kanchanarat, Minister of Social Development and Human Security, said the case would be to apply for Thai nationality to young people. I do not know that. I need children. I leave the hospital before that. What is the need? That's the question. It is discrimination against children and young people who apply for nationality or not. Everything must follow the rules. I do not know what to do. Met the requirements. But now I need to cheer up. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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