Prof. Dr. Theerawat Hunjutta Director of the Center for Emerging Disease Sciences Faculty of Medicine The Chulalongkorn Hospital, the Thai Red Cross Society, says that there is currently a problem with the use of pesticides , insecticides, pests, croresphos and glyphosate because they can not be banned or allowed to be imported. From the information of anti-toxin and biothai networks, there are now some actions of the giant companies, including the letter sent to the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, against the bill on the promotion and the development of agricultural systems. Sustainable The bill aims to increase the sustainability of agricultural areas in various forms.The bill aims to combine organic farming. The New Theory of Agriculture Natural Agriculture Reach 5 million hectares by 2021 in accordance with the 12th National Plan for Economic and Social Development and aligning the goals of sustainable development. The United Nations in Thailand has announced that they will join to achieve this goal. This objection.
"The use of pesticides for a long time causes the soil to lose its ability to adsorb and possibly release the substance .Dissolved in water in the plant can not wash and also in the food when people eat it for a long time Like cancer And companies that sell chemicals also produce cancer killers (F, B, E, V, N, T, S)
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