The body was cut in the Saen Saep Canal. I was a drunk man was drunk propeller ship slashed.


The body was sliced ​​into the Saen Saep Canal. A drunk man drowns himself before being cut by a propeller. Waiting for the doctor and the owner of the case. …

From the case The burial of a man on the top. Floating inside the Saen Saep Canal. Near a big shop in Bangkapi on July 21st. Police investigate the cause of the body inside the canal. The left leg and the right leg are about 5 km away, so all parts are sent to check. Police Hospital To confirm who is the identity. Including the real cause of death.

however. It was reported that the body was a homeless man aged 49 and could not be killed by a murder. It is expected to drown due to a convalescence. And broken pieces. Should be a passenger boat propeller. Shear force C is the first time I see a doctor.
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