The body was hit by a fall from the highway. As a young Karen Dry Car Radiator


Young Karen from Kochi using a Vios player to the city. The dry radiator is parked to open the skirt on the sky bridge Borom Ratchajima. I drove the rear end. Have another car collide.

On the bridge on the Borom Ratchatani bridge at 14:00 on July 27, reporters detail the incident. Tumbol Watanakarn, Deputy Prime Minister (Inquiry) The Taling Chan Police Station was informed of the fall of the sky parallel to the bridge. The car was killed. At Chumphon, at 160 Borom Rachachonnani Road, Chimphi, Taling Chan District, Bangkok, to inspect the traffic police. The Siriraj Hospital and the Rescue Foundation, Chiang Mai

found the body of Mr. Suai Ja Pallenoi, 43, in Omkoi, Chiang Mai, in a state of sleep, wearing a T-shirt. Yellow Short Sleeve Black Pants Have a broken skull injury Bones, arms and legs broken. I submitted the body to the Forensic Institute Siriraj Hospital to conduct a thorough examination at about 20 meters to find a Toyota van version of the white version of 2737 Bangkok.

According to the survey, Mr. Pongruet Chantana, aged 25, said that the driver of the factory pickup truck in Pathum Thani province to send spare parts. On the return trip, the car was sold to Phuttamonthon 2. On the scene, the body left the bridge parallel to the sky. The height of the road below 15 meters falls on the front of the car. They try to brake the car but not because of the very close incident. Then he decided to call the police to check

. Lieutenant-Colonel Commando said the incident was coordinated by the police. The paratroopers as the pilot was driving a Toyota Vios model in bronze or 7084 Bangkok. Bridge the sky. From Phuttamonthon 3, towards the city. Broken Engine Stationed on the left side of the deck to open the car skirt to check the radiator. Then there is a partner named Miss Suchada Sen, 34, driving a Honda City City Bronze hatchback registration fee of 1kg 311 Bangkok.

"Not only is there a partner named Mr. Nopparat Chai Pichitpan, 47, who drives the Isuzu Diesel model, the gold in bronze.Set The speed of the car s". is crushed at the end of Miss. Cause of death, car repair standing on the road on the bridge.The pressure was floating on the deck parallel to the sky.Need, let's go to the side of the car.This n & rsquo; Is not the case with someone.Because of the need to coordinate with the investigation.Parallelism Who is responsible for the space on the bridge before the sky before. "[Signaler un message] Later, a relative of Mr. Sui Jaejoong came to the deceased's cell phone in the car, saying that Mr. Suai was Thai Karen. He is currently employed by a factory in the Chonburi area. Prior to the accident, Mr. Suayjajan took his private car out of the office to find friends in Nakhon Pathom province on the way back to the car for warmth. I decided to park the hood to fill the radiator. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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