The burial ceremony of the Hmong girl is not yet added to the accused. Leave a deposit tomorrow.


Police Lampang City Bring the former leader accused of rape. Tottenham and his relatives I did not ask the draft of the "Hmong girl" today at the funeral.

At 5.30 pm on July 28 61 Pol. Lampang City Council headed by Mr. Noppadon Navariya, 42, former village chief Hmong rape suspects 22 years for the additional investigation But the accused still does not ask because of the pending from the lawyer and relatives, who will attend the preliminary investigation, the authorities are aware of the allegations. (Jul 19, 61) Officials will take Mr. Noppadol to prison in Lampang Provincial Court.

The reporter In the morning, the accused tried to tell the investigator to wait until the lawyer and relatives of Tak province do an investigation on relatives who were waiting for them to finish in the evening. But it seems that Mr. Noppadon's relatives have not brought a lawyer. The reporters tried to ask Mr. Noppadon when he wanted to say something. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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