The court ordered 2 months, 15 days not to be punished. Camry, the hot sword swallowed threatens the elderly.


The sentenced court two months, 15 days, fine 1000 baht, do not wait for a hot young man driving a camel car face then bring the sword to threaten the elderly. After the court saw the behavior. Do not fear the law.

At the Southern District Court on July 21, 2061, the South Bangkok District Attorney, the plaintiff brought a lawsuit against Mr. Sittiporn's beautiful 42-year-old defendant. The offense causes others to lose property, intimidates others, kills the knife in public without permission. And the traffic law offense in the ban parking, change the channel suddenly

. The driver of a black Toyota Camry drove a car of a 64-year-old victim before using a knife and threatened to injure Technipong Intersection, Suan Plu Road, Sathon, July 17 . Past Defendant in confession

Sentenced to 4 months, 30 days, a fine of 2,000 baht, the defendant confessed half of the sentence, imprisonment of 2 months, 15 days fine of 1,000 baht, the defendant's situation is not prudent. The law and the use of weapons, knife blade is a bad case of not being next. There is no reason to wait for punishment

. 53,500 Baht for temporary release The court ordered the submission of the motion to Mr. Sittiporn at the Court of Appeal to review the insurance. Before the correctional officers took over, Mr. Sittiporn was detained at the Bangkok Special Prison. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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