The "Croatian" victory over Britain First World Cup


2018 World Cup finals, 2nd team race, Wednesday night, July 11 at 1 am Croatian national team I have never been to the finals to meet the old World Cup in England …

Croatia meets England

🙁 Stadium

Referee Meetings 7 times, Croatia wins 2 England wins 4 and draws one time

Croatian Pass in the semifinals for the second time with the last two bad moves.I need to play for 120 minutes and the duel of the two games called the finalists to win the heart of the hard

forms the aggressive form of the offensive in the first round.I saw less.But fortunately, the game in the middle of the field is The team captain, Luke Modrich, is the heart of the team, he is also used to control the game and get it.Wait to wait to win the stars like Mario, Ziggy, Andre Krachich and Anteater will score more goals?

England Doing a good job. At the end of the In the 28-year-old round, he hopes to get a better start with his first win of 52 years in 1966 and win the title.

This is not really normal. Although there are less than 5 people who have crossed the last World Cup arena before. But new players have great power. The Round 8 teams at war Sweden 2-0 are also hoping the inevitable striker of the football team Harry Kane beat the captain at 6 am waiting for the door skyrocketed like (the position It's the last 3 times that I have not won the World Championship.)

Probably the result. Croatia's forces are more seasoned and stronger. This will be used to beat England to beat. Cats: England 0-2 (19459006) Bear: Always 0-0 (in 90 minutes) Croatian Victory 2-0
Left Sovereign: Croatian Won 2-1

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