The doctor warns the big man. Use a strap. The risk of permanent bleeding can be cut off!


The volunteers helped the young man in the emergency. The ring is attached to the penis by the emergency room. Chulalongkorn Hospital The doctor needs help to remove the ring and penis quickly, the last man being safely released.

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The thrill! I do not know what to do.

November 27, Dr. Sombat Pongchung, Surgeon, Urology and Male Reproductive System Hat Yai Hospital Discuss this case. This is probably due to the strain on the genital area. This problem does not come right. But I see it. Due to the danger of having the stethoscope, the size of the penis remains in the online society. What is sold a lot. This must be very careful. I need to understand that. The male is like an eager female. Strengthen self-confidence. The penis In many men, they will not feel safe in their genitals. Understand that small Do you want to increase the size But with the context of Thai society. I do not know where to go to see a doctor. Or consult Be embarrassed

Dr. Sueppong said that it was really not embarrassing. Many people do not dare to consult a doctor in the hospital, the public hospital is afraid. People will see that there is a problem. But really These things can be cured The doctor who deals with this is a group of doctors, surgeons, urinary tract. And the male reproductive system. There are all public hospitals. There are 500 people in the country but the patient may not know. If you have problems, consult your doctor.

"To buy a strap to use the pen.There are risks.Selling is a stainless steel ring is dangerous.If the buckle is added, the drug will not coagulate.The penis is so painful that it does not can not be removed because some people do not control the hardening.It is unusual.Urinary tract infection if there is more than 24 hours in patients with blood risk.And in the future, there will be a drop in sexual performance.Someone left too long, the genitals can be cut off, so do not do it better, do not take chances and do not be shy to better consult a doctor. " said Dr. Sombat.

Dr. Suepong said that the penis loop really. This is a medical device used in conjunction with a vacuum cylinder. Only Thailand is not registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but foreign countries are introduced to treat sexual dysfunction. Or no dove He will use a vacuum pump to help harden the penis. Use a loop to keep coagulation. It's a physical way to help keep the penis free. But this is sold in social media is just a strap. Which is dangerous? If it is attached, it will cause blood clots and ulcers in the penis.

"Abroad, there will be consultations and ways to treat patients.I had used to use a strap with a vacuum cylinder." But nowadays, the technology, it's a lot more.The treatment depends on the symptoms.Do not be afraid of men.And do not be shy to see a doctor.Because buying a buckle in the social.We do not know the norm and are very dangerous, "said an urologist and reproductive system.


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