The first results of the Indo-Lithuanian tests fall into the air safety standards.


The first results of the Indo-Lithuanian tests fall into the air safety standards.

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Indo-Europe launches lithium-ion test Not the aviation safety standards. The black box revealed that the pilot was trying to force the aircraft to steer more than 11 times while the anti-satll system was hitting the aircraft upside down continuously. Before the pilot loses control.

On November 28, 2006, the Reuters and UK Daily Mail websites presented to the Indonesian Bureau of Transportation Safety (KNKT) the preliminary report on the investigation of the Boeing 737Max8 tragedy. Aerial JT610 Jakarta – Bangpang Penang Crashed in Java After flying only 13 minutes, passengers and crew died of 189 aircraft on the morning of October 29th. This aircraft does not have air safety standards. Many pilots flying this plane. The problem is similar before the plane dies in the sea.

On Wednesday, November 28, KNKT reported on the efforts of several pilots who flew the Boeing 737 Max8, all of whom reportedly had a fire problem while experiencing technical problems. The aircraft was put into service for a few months, but the detection system posed problems. A day before the fall Because the fast reading system is unreliable.

The data recovered from the black box. Flight record The first black box found. Show that The captain of an aircraft departing from Jakarta airport appears to be a shaker or vibrator system (the warning speed is approaching the speed of fall) warned most of the flight. The captain also attempted to force the aircraft to take the lead more than 11 times, while the anti-stall system caused the aircraft to fall. Even the pilot loses control. Plane down the sea

The KNKT report revealed that the pilot had flown this aircraft. A day before the fall Having problems flying a plane from Denpasar Airport on Bali to Jakarta. The pilot-in-command and the pilot must turn off the system. And use the manual controls. Or self propelled Fly the plane normally. When the plane arrived. The pilot reported problems to the Lion Air maintenance team. Then check and repair the plane and let it fly the next morning.

Reuters said. KNKT's preliminary report states that the problems encountered must be considered as safety standards other than those in flight. However, KNKT's investigator, KNKT, has not yet identified the anti-stall system as a determining factor in the accident. And it is too early to conclude to the cause of the fall of Lemon Air into the sea.

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