The formula "oil" has reconstituted all the hydrogen. "Trans fat" is not the same as saturated fat, high cost, bad taste.


The Faculty of Agriculture of Kasetsart University revised the "oil" formulas, adding hydrogen to avoid "trans fat". As molecules like saturated fats, but high cost, improper taste, cooking pointers use better saturated fats. [Ajouter à Longdo] [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[] Because of trans fat that is harmful to health. The information that can be adjusted to the oil by adding hydrogen instead. To avoid trans fats.

Today (25 Jul) Prof. Dr. Veerachai Buddhabong Professor Department of Chemistry Faculty of Arts and Science Kasetsart University Discuss this, if you are talking about chemistry. Saturated fatty acids do not have double bonds. Unsaturated fatty acids have a double bond. Natural fatty acids have a pair of bonds that are called "fatty acids (CIS)." Addition of a little hydrogen to unsaturated fatty acids. This is to make the fatty acids more durable. More heat resistant Boiling point higher High resistance to oxidation Continue Not rancid Which it consumes butter cream. Add a little hydrogen to the oil. Margarine Trans fats are added to the fat (LDL) in the body, which, when accumulated, will lead to cardiovascular disease. Just eat Omega 9, which will help reduce LDL in the body.The Omega 9 has just omega 3 and 6, which are contained in almonds and avocados. The Thai people have less to eat. If you build an omega 9 not enough to help reduce LDL.

Prof. Dr. Veerachai said that for the process of adding hydrogen to oil. Or hydration sprays hydrogen in the vegetable oil. Then stir the oil. The catalyst is then added to a carbon powder, nickel powder or platinum powder. Metal powder Then stir. Then filter these powders. It will become fully hydrogenated oil. In a certain hydrogenation, it is calculated how much to fill. Double bonds point to each other or trans fats. Hydrogenation is not a double bond. It will not be really trans fat. But it's not fat with saturated fat. Will become as strong as the animal. No taste, just like the rest of the margarine. If you do, you can do it. The product is not suitable for cooking. Because the taste is not good. Unlike some trans fats, the rest of the double bonds to make a good taste is also important to increase the cost of production. If you add all the hydrogen to trans fats. In addition, adding hydrogen to the bad luck of having a pair of trans fats as well.

Prof. Dr. Weerachai said that fats. Trans also occurs in the cooking process, such as the use of vegetable oils Omega 3 6 and 9, which when heated. Double bonds break down into a simple obligation. Then he transforms the molecule into trans. Then it becomes a double link becomes trans fat again. This will happen from frying for a long time. No need to add hydrogen. The indication is rancidity is high free radicals. Trans fat occurs.

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