The hot Japanese mercury is broken! 30 dead Nearly 3 thousand hospitals.


Click to enlarge See the hot weather. As a result, 30 people died and became ill and nearly 3,000 were hospitalized.

July 22, 61, the Japan Times website and BBL Influence reported from Japan heat wave cover The result is hot. Cause of death Fatigue. And heat stroke, 10 other people in seven provinces of Japan. The number of deaths in hot weather in Japan About 30 people were infected, with 2,605 people suffering from illness and hospitalization after more than two weeks of heat, of which 246 in Aichi, 241 (245)

BBC reports that heat waves cover Japan. Done at the beginning of last week. Center of the country It is hot with 40.7 degrees Celsius. It is the highest temperature in five years by the time in Kyoto. The temperature is above 38 degrees Celsius for 7 days until the highest temperature continues for the first time. Since the beginning of the recording in the last century.

The Japanese Meteorological Office The influence of heat waves will continue until Friday. With the demand for water should be enough. To prevent dehydration. Because of the hot weather, the Japanese must suffer from bad weather. It was not long ago, heavy rains in the west of the country. Causing sudden mudslides, causing more than 200 deaths. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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