The last update 6 has not yet released the boar out of the cave!


Thai and foreign media continue to report the progress of the boar out of the cave. The boar still does not appear outside the cavern …

At 18:20 on July 8, the reporter reports progress to help the wild boar team get out of the cave. There are many Thai and foreign mass media. Can be summarized

1. Now international divers and seals During the operation in Luang cave

2. There are no press releases or additional information. Narongsak Osatchanakorn, Commander, Missing Persons Coordination Center, Tham Luang – Khun Nam Nang Nueng National Park Confirmed to bring the boar out of the cave

3. The media is limited, the area can not see the entrance to the royal cave.

4. The media still can not see the helicopter ready to send the boar to the hospital.

5. The media did not see the ambulance ready to send the boar to the hospital.

6 The front of Chiang Rai Prachanukroh Hospital. The media has found no movement. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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