The Lion, the Lion believes that all the "South Gate" led the black ball of the world.


The dashing roaring lions I believe the national version. Is good enough to fight the rival. To enter the final of the World Cup on Polar Bears certainly …

The foreign news agency reported on July 5 that Dennis Weis was the former star of England . I believe that the young generation in the lion roars. Good enough to pass the 2018 World Cup Final

by the roar of the lions. Must be tired until the penalty. In the first round, the team has reached the last eight rounds to meet Sweden today

after the last game, Dennis Weiss, a small midfielder. The 51 year old England is out. "I think we're going to the final, I think it's a good night (win the Colombia game) for the team and all the fans, they'll have fun with that." [19659004] "But we have an important match waiting for Sweden on Saturday, I think we're going to beat them."

If England beat Sweden in the last eight rounds, they would play in the playoffs to meet the next winners in Croatia or Russia.

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