The atmosphere at the front of the cave. Leader of the Green Slam Leader Close all entries I see no movement watching the live broadcast of the World Cup. In the rain that fell heavily …
At 9:10 pm on July 7, 2018, reporters reported. The atmosphere at the front of the cave. Tham Luang, Khun Nam Nang, Mae Sai, Chiang Rai, this night is different every day. Leader of the Green Slam Leader Close all entries See no movement. The face of the cave. Waiting, the vehicle moves the patient.
Later, 21.33 The British and Swedish media remained on the screen. Watch the 2018 World Cup round of eight final teams between England and the Swedish national team closely through the first half. England leads Sweden live 1-0
However, at 10:05 pm, what everyone in the region does not desire is true. When it was raining towards the front of the cave, there was heavy rain.
Then at 00:51, the officials brought the dead to cover another layer. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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