The Ministry of Public Health warns of a severe cold epidemic that is killing more than 100,000 people 11. 11. Bangkok – Rayong – Chiang Mai & Great Epidemic


May 25, Dr. Suwanchai Wattanayingcharoenchai The Director General of the Department of Disease Control (Cor.) Revealed that the surveillance of the Department of Disease Control Influenza Situation Between 1 January and 23 May, 159,845 patients with of influenza were found, 11 deaths, and the three main provinces were respectively Bangkok, Rayong and Chiang Mai, epidemic surveillance program. Reported that there were a total of 90 incidents involving the flu, occurring in prisons, 27 events, schools, 26 events, 19 events, 6 military camps and 12 other events.

Dr. Suwanchai said Prognosis and sanitary disaster this week is expected that there are more patients with influenza during this period. Since this is the period between the summer and the rainy season, and based on data from the last 5 years from May to June, the period of the seasonal flu epidemic has begun. Influenza is a disease caused by an infection with the flu virus Patients will have fever, headache, body aches, fatigue and will often experience epidemics in overcrowded areas or in communities. Can meet patients from all age groups Contact is caused by exposure to oral and respiratory secretions. Most patients can recover. Or if someone with severe symptoms or a high-risk group should see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment

In addition, Dr. Suwannachai said that the Department of Disease Control recommended patients to stop their studies and work at home. Wear a mask Symptoms of symptoms such as dyspnea, chest pain, lethargy, confusion or vomiting Or other serious symptoms should consult a doctor for the general public Wash your hands with soap or soap. alcohol. Avoid close contact with patients. And high-risk groups with serious health risks, including: 1. Pregnant women, 4 months of pregnancy Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and diabetes 4. People aged 65 and over 5. People with intellectual disabilities unable to help 6 Thalassemia and immunodeficiency. Including HIV-positive people with symptoms of 7. obesity or people weighing 100 kg or whose body mass index varies by 35 kg per square meter Should be vaccinated against influenza each year for more 39, information, please call the 1422 hotline


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