The most intense in 10 years! California Forest Fire 38,000 evacuation evacuation


Still in crisis For a "Carrier" wildfire in Charta, California The explosion began on July 23, but the situation began to worsen in the evening of July 27, according to authorities. Wildfire is spreading. Among the thousands of firefighters Due to strong winds, the forest fire has spread to the area. Six people died while evacuating

. Last Thursday Two firemen died on Sunday. A fireman is dead. Spread more than 50 000 raïs for more than 122 000 raïs and at least 500 houses were destroyed.

Ken Pimlott, Chief of the California Department of Fire and Fire Protection Tell the reporter. They saw a great flame spread. Unlike tornadoes. There are now 38,000 immigrants in Shasta County, California Governor Jerry Brown, declaring the state of emergency in the region. He also said. A great fire can occur every year or a few years

US President Donald Trump approved federal aid to the city

. The Interagency Firefighting Center says the C forest fire is the 8th largest wildfire in California. Currently, 12,000 firefighters are firing across the state.

For fire, it is Californian summer. But the events in the experts indicate that the most serious in 10 years is due to drought in the year. 2012-2017

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