The new President of Mexico invites Trump to take an oath of allegiance


Andre Manuel Lopez states that the new President of Mexico has announced that he will invite US President Donald Trump. As a guest in the oath of office, He emphasizes the importance of relations between Mexico and the United States

. "We will invite President Trump to attend this ceremony We are neighbors They have economic and trade relations and friendship and we greatly appreciate development cooperation."

M. Nobor said. The decision to join or not depends on the asset itself.

Trump is one of the first international leaders to congratulate Mr. Obama for winning the election

. "I look forward to working with him.There is a lot to do for the benefit of the United States and Mexico." Trump tweets tweets through private tweets on Sunday night

Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State Mexico is expected to travel to Mexico on July 13 to meet with Obama and discuss the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which will cover the United States, Mexico and Canada and Immigrant-Related Issues: The United States-Mexico Border

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