The Northeastern United States Has Heavy Rain Under High Waves – innnews


24-hour Weather Forecast Department North and Northeast. More rain than other regions. And heavy rain. For the center, the south and the metropolitan area of ​​Bangkok There are still thunderstorms at this time. Let people be wary of the effects of heavy rains and rain that cause sudden floods and sudden floods. The wind wave in the upper part of the Andaman Sea is 2-3 meters high with a wave height of about 3 meters and a gulf upper wave of about 2 meters. Small boats in the Andaman high seas should stay ashore another day, while residents of the eastern and southern coastal areas. Danger due to the strong wind blowing on the coast

Incidentally. The depression of the upper South China Sea has shifted to the top of the Pacific in the Philippines. This storm does not have a direct impact on Thailand's climate. For those traveling through this area should check the weather before departure

for the metropolitan area. Cloudy with a chance of rain Thundershowers widely scattered mostly in the afternoons and evenings. Low temperature 25-27 C, maximum temperature 31-34 C. Wind southwest 15-30 km / h

Warning "Tropical depression in the South China Sea" No. 3 19659002] Department of Meteorology Notice of emission "Tropical Depression in the South China Sea", No. 3, dated July 22, 2018, at 4 am today (July 22, 61) The depression at the top from the China Sea has moved to the top of the Pacific. Philippines The center is located at 19.5 degrees north latitude 122.5 degrees east with the highest wind speed near the center about 55 kilometers per hour. This storm is moving slightly north at 20 km / h. This storm does not have a direct impact on Thailand's climate. Those traveling in this area should check the weather before departure. The southwestern monsoon prevails over the Andaman Sea, southern Thailand and the Gulf. Wave in the Andaman sea and the upper Gulf. Wave height 2 to 3 meters and above 3 meters in the lightning zones. Small boats should be taken off. And the people who live on the east coast and the southwest coast. Danger due to strong winds blowing towards the coast for another day, so people should follow closely the announcement of the Department of Meteorology. And follow the information on the Meteorological Service's website. or 1182 hotline 24 hours a day.

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