The old man was paralyzed using a flag as bed with his grandson.


On July 4, 2018, reporters met a 78-year-old mother with a disability. With his 33 year old grandson living under the eaves of a street passenger. Soi Sattahip, Sukhumvit 99, Sattahip, Sattahip, Chonburi. The parade brings sweet food.

The survey found that. This elderly man named Ms. Saeng, 78, was from Kanchanaburi. Before moving home in the house number 224 m 10, Ban Kok, Chumphon, Chaiyaphum Province, fell ill with two leg paralyzes, not having to live in a wheelchair.The 33-year-old nephew Both sides are disabled from a car accident. Can walk Inside the pavilion, a bag of clothes has been found. Appliances And old wheelchairs. Both do not have money. Only the food that villagers bring to life. I am sorry. That's all. Family life is hot and hot. They have two husbands and two sons, even before 15 years before life turns, when suddenly both legs do not work anymore. The doctor says that the disease is paralyzed. Where is the poverty?

Shortly after, her husband left, escaping. The eldest son is dead. Only a little boy went to live with his family. Do not return to you anymore. Only nephew What is adopted by a young son. They have been fed since birth. I have suffered from a car accident with only 8 years old.

Now they are only handicapped grandchildren. Work to earn money to feed your belly to survive. Even if you have to refuse to eat. If there are no people to work. I will go to the temple to eat rice to eat it. Abstain I do not want to die

even a few days ago. The owner who lived as a shelter. The land has been sold to others. I have to go to my grandfather's place to find a new place. Homeless Wander I have a few dollars left. The van arrived with the hope of squeezing the youngest son, but was kicked out of the house. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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