Just because of the emotion of "Paddanun cotton" Open minded life almost to salute death. After eating bathroom remedies, suicide, accidents, healing costs, over a million suffering 7 year olds back today smile. No stomach …
Miss Patntanan Jira Ruangkarn or Miss Cotton, 26, a beautiful girl who has experienced death. When I was 19, I felt pushed by my family, my love of school, and so many things that I picked up. With great regret I eat almost all the bottles. I'm going to eat to death. But it does not die. And feel warm As the fire inside Sit for about 20 minutes to pick up the water and then puke. But that still does not cure. You see
In the hospital, it was very vomiting blood. The hospital does nothing, just tell them not to vomit Normally, if you wash your toilet, do not rinse it and do not vomit it. I'm afraid the makeup remover in the bathroom will burn again. But they can not stop vomiting.
When you see the inside of the esophagus, the stomach is black, and bleeding after 5 days, the hospital said that the doctor did not find the case. This please move to another hospital. Once moved to the hospital, he was drilled to feed in the stomach. I can not eat anything. And he must be in this condition for another year can not be surgery. Because the wound is still on. The surgery is difficult. Waiting for the wound to improve. And wait until the body is stronger.
But when it still does not work Because the doctor is not expert in this area. I'm afraid that if surgery can not talk. And if the stitches are not good, the food can seep into the body. It is recommended to stay in this state. I have to wake up to prepare food in the morning because the liquid food is Carrot Brock Chick Chicken, which is a recipe from the hospital to turn together. And is divided into bags. It is time to go there. And must be refrigerated. When I want to eat something, I chew it and throw it in a black bag to carry it. I do not want to open new friends. Because he did not know us before.
Up to about 4 years to meet Assoc.Prof.Dr. Chitlada Thaweep who is doctor at Chulalongkorn Hospital is surgical. By cutting the esophagus and the stomach. Then take two points instead. Including the cut of the clavicle. Afraid that the intestinal pressure. It takes about 6 hours today to have no stomachs. Digestion is digested in the intestine. Vitamin Deficiency Vitamin B12 must be injected every month. But after leaving the room of operation has a lot of effects. At the end of the operation, there was severe thrombosis in the legs. To take care of you now, I have to eat vitamins, injections, blood tonic. And also put on the bottom of the leg. I think that eating sleep is the happiest. The bathroom disassembler is worth a bit of baht. If you go back in time, you will not take it to eat.
Ms. Cotton said that life after surgery is much better. What do you eat? But it is not quite normal. It's time to eat swallow. The intestinal tract instead of the esophagus. Including brave new friends. Can eat rice together. It's not like I have to eat alone by car
. "By death I know that life is very happy now.I had the habit of suffering for 7 years, I mean that there is no suffering. do not know happiness today I want to leave this very sorry Do not stay alone Think about your parents We regret it, but you regret it a lot I want everyone to think that the day to come must be better today Do it every day for the better Have fun every day and do not bother anyone.Now it's your dream to open Aroi-D coffee. "
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