The original rolls! 2-0 victory over the Navy by the "coach Nui" still no victory.


<img src = "" alt = "The original roll movie! Sukhothai get sick 2 ounce training by the Navy "coach Nui" still no victory "data legend =" The original roll!

A repetition of the original incident occurred with the Sukhothai again before the match, leading the port 2 -1 to the injury, still 2-2 in the match with Rajasthan.The Navy is no different.To the injury. "I do not know what to do," he said. [2]

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94 Viktor Jr. shoots the ball in. ur & # 39; rafting & # 39; & # 39; Navy FC rivalry bat beats & # 39; Sukhothai FC 2-2

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<img src = "" alt = "Original bearing : Sukhothai crash 2 ounce training by Navy "Coach Nui" still no victory "data legend =" The original roll!

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