The Predator invades San Diego Comic-Con 2018 with a poster. With pictures of the latest movie.


Where are they safe? When they begin to run For the most dangerous hunters of the universe in The Predator because the latter San Diego Comic-Con 2018 was released. Not only that The film was released. Just saw the picture, I do not have to say that this back. What is their strength?

Predator is a story that takes place in the deep space of the suburbs. Chase back The most dangerous hunter in the universe is stronger, wiser and more dangerous than ever. They cut off their karma interacts with other DNAs in the universe, and when a boy accidentally invites them to return to Earth. Only members of the RAG of former military. And another science teacher who is not accepted. To prevent the human race from stopping.

Black Jain Directed by Interpretation: Boyd Holebrook, Trevor Tredades, Jacob Trambley, Keegan – Michael Key, Olivier Munn, Sterling K. Browne, Allen Alfa, Jane Thomas, Augusto Guillermo, Jake Busey, "The Predator – The Pretender" The most dangerous hunter of Jawwal.

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