The Prime Minister led the 5 great blessings on this occasion. HM the birthday of King 10


Prime Minister The ceremony of 5 sacred merits in the honor of His Majesty the King. With the volunteer project.

On July 26, General Prayut Chansaacha, Prime Minister, and Ms. Varaporn Chanapacha presided over the commemoration ceremony of the five great religions on the occasion of the day. The 66th birthday of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej on July 28, 2018 at the Santimaitri Government House Building

There are religious ceremonies of the five religious leaders, including Buddhist, Christian, Islamic, Brahmin, Hindu and Sikh, who attend the government and his wife. The President of the Supreme Court, the President of the Constitutional Court, the President of the Supreme Administrative Court, the Commissioner of the Army, the independent organization and government representatives attended the ceremony at the 39; unison.

Bring the cabinet with his spouse Commander of the Army. Open the volunteer project. We do good by heart. Nakorn Pathom Road The population of the canal. Government House Prime Minister Invite participants to volunteer and release a line of volunteers. To clean the government house. The Prime Minister sprayed the streets. Trail in front of the government house And paint the fence around the bridge. Demonstration boat, sludge and mechanical submarine. By the population of the canal. Dredging the side of the school canal Rachawinit

Prime Minister and wife Nest also planted bee. Which is a tree for him. The Government and Thonglor House in front of the Governor's Residence

The Prime Minister said that the spirit of volunteerism has spread throughout the country. Represents harmony on the occasion of the birthday of His Majesty the King. Thank you all for your volunteer work. Canal own "We do good with the heart"

. The government has budgeted more than 10,000 million baht to manage. The truth is everyone's duty to help each other. The government will bring this budget to solve other problems. Including the house along the canal. I want to plant a tree for beauty. If everyone helps the country will be clean. This has now been unlocked. Urban planning Provide local waste management immediately. But this unlocking does not favor the Ministry of the Interior. I have it now. Financial Crisis Administering the budget will not help a party. What are you doing for your children in the day ahead? And today has been cleaned Government House. Do not let the crowd come back

Prime Minister He also asks students to volunteer to continue their studies. Find jobs, do not choose your job and develop yourself all the time. And say that the law is meant to prevent chaos. And equality So do not be disgusted. It is difficult to have a lawyer, even the same person who is at the head of the NCB must abide by the law. Premium does not want that someone likes. Love is one. But everyone must love

during volunteer activities. The Prime Minister had a conversation with student volunteers who came to clean up. They offer glutinous rice with fried chicken.

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