The scary rescue of the dark cave, the black man holding the sword wanted to prove but was banned!


Unreported Objects from the Oral Rescue Mission in the Royal Cave. I found a strange story. And throughout the search. There are obstacles to maintain up to 10 levels of horror.

After the mission, find the boar club. Caught in Luang Cave – Khun Nam Nang succeeded. The 13 officers were sent to the hospital. Chiang Rai

by "beer" Mr. Nareesri Srisai, rescue team, Dream Team, Dream Team, dream team, and equipment, said that for Luang's caves are terrifying in the early levels with a history of faith, even with myself.

When asked what he had found, Mr. Nares said that it was something we suspected. And still believe. In the distance we walk about 3 km. I found a hole in the rocky cliffs to break through. In the shot of two people to explore whether to continue? When he returned, there was a stone at the back to find the stone. There is no open space, there is fire, there is a rope, this stone alone we can not be sure. But everyone is out. Because one of them was wearing Garuda. What god they respect. He said people would raise this stone to carry Garuda

. There is a little dream that has to come out with them. Finally came to say that I found a shadow in the room, which was found then came back. Return for another one.

On the & # 39; Volkswagen & # 39; Mr. Kampon Saen Rescue, searching for the cavity revealed that each time to visit the cave. There are warnings. I do not want to interfere. The nature of the light around us. It's time to go down alone. It looks like there is something behind it. They turned to look, they did not see enough, they turned off the lights and remained motionless.

When asked about the event It was reported that the boy was on him. The helicopter was taken for Mr. Narese to say that the area is on the cliff. It is divided into teams. Explorer Meanwhile, the team saw that there was something red and white like a child on him. Report Inappropriate Content Save This Post Let's see if we see the same thing. They see each other. Not even military officers go up together. Looks like a man waving and mobile The helicopter was explored, but the helicopter officer did not see him, and when he approached the white spot , he disappeared. And when to fly far. He came out. The staff below see everything Drool has not seen. But heat scanner I could not find anything in the cave.

million. Kumpalaksak said that strange voice in the cave. I will hear a prayer. From the niche of the last chimney to explore. They went down alone. When you hear this, say the first 5 minutes because the team has a rule. If the person above goes down immediately. Then when the ear is attached. The wind blows on the face. Then I heard a similar prayer.

Also. The shadow of two meters high in the middle of the night while he was going to bathe him, with four dogs barking at the edge of the wall. Before the four dogs were exhausted, I did not do it.

There are also punitive events. Sleeping in the cave. I sleep for about 2 hours. There are stones torn from a small rock. Before sleep, we first explored it. Then turn on the light. I found the stone around the thumb

M. Thanatai Wachiraak. I like the fact that I have a rabbit in a purple cage. Pin hole in the cave. White chick eating green beans in front of the cave by Mr. Tanat. Suicide with a pin I must be afraid of death. The rabbit doctor is a doctor. This will reduce the power of the water. The princess The chicken is the same. It is there that we believe the goddess.In addition, the teacher told him this story, also believe that if that day, 12 people will come back safely.

after which they spoke to respected teachers. The teacher also said. I find children on July 2nd at 3pm, which they have recorded. And post it on your personal Facebook. However, even if they believe in science. But some are considered strange.

million. Kampon Sak said that the day Khun Boon Khum. First day of the ceremony That day, it was very heavy. But when the Rabbi's ceremony is live, the cloud is immediately removed from the area. Then the sky is gradually opened, which also took photographs.

In addition. I went to the cave and the stone was closed. Photography inside the cave. When it comes to looking at it. I have eyes on people. He wanted to come back to prove But the gods say. Do not let this person go back. I will not be safe anymore. As we go to the challenge

and it's great. Take a look at the cave rescue fire. Then find someone holding a sword at the bottom of the cave 3-4 people must retire. As at home

However it is a personal belief.