The secretary of the Royal Irrigation Department awards scholarships to their children.


Secretary of the Secretary Scholarships for children, civil servants, employees and government employees. In the Office of the Secretary of the Navy, 2018, to support and assist the educational expenses for the children of the army. On July 5 at 8:30 am, General Buncha Buarod, Secretary of the Navy presided over the ceremony to give scholarships to children, public servants, employees and government employees in 2018 in the building's reception room, at the Command Building, at the 5th headquarters of the Royal Thai Navy. Old Palace Bangkok Yai Bangkok

Office of the Secretary of the Navy Scholarships are awarded to children, civil servants, employees and government employees. Every year, support and help with the costs of education for the children of the army. It will create morale. Support for the troops and children of the troops here this year is supported. From the Government Lottery Office, award of 35 scholarships, including four (4) scholarships for undergraduate students, or the equivalent of five (5) scholarships. High School / Professional The equivalent of 6 scholarships for secondary / vocational education. A scholarship is available for high school scholarships, 9 junior scholarships and 8 scholarships for kindergarten / primary

. The secretary of the navy gave his objection to the concessionaire. I have an important point. "For those who have received scholarships today.It is a person who wants to study well.He was selected by the committee.The rules I would like to express my appreciation and my pleasure to all.We are proud to receive this scholarship and keep that in mind.Education is important to make us a stable career as a quality person of the country.So live in the future too.I want to study the costs of schooling.And honest.It is a very important part of our lives.
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