The Star is so hard to find the secret to steal socks to rot (snip)


Because of the cliché Faire Rut Ruangrit or Rit The Star was very dull. When to go to the fitness center. But the thief was stolen. This post has been posted on IGStory socks. I just put the exercise.

I have to wear shoes without socks. Ritt said. After the birth I was looking for information in Google. Jump to the top of the page Stolen Sock C & # 39; s is a lot of words.

"Yes, really, it's a normal exercise now."

"There is no special project . As we already do.

It is also a doctor with whom to work.

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"It was an unexpected event.We think the place.We played it safely, and then we played it for a long time.But it doesn`t happen. There was no problem at all .. I have this time it's like going to the bathroom It is normal to avoid bathing in a fitness center I have to go to work. 19659002] I have to take a shower, I have to take off my shoes, then put on the socks to put on a shoe to put on shoes, then go to the bath, I do not know how to do it. 39: was my own selfishness.It's a research

huh … no in the pile of cloth.In our bag, there was no such thing … J & # 39; I lost my friend.It happens.Socks lost This is stolen.He said it was not theft.But it's to take away.It is a good idea to take a look. .. remember it's a little smell. I use it offline. So I say that. Do not think You're looking to see the Google to sniff socks. I have a photo with both clips. About sniffing socks So I believe.

[1965904] After that, did we enter the same gym?
"He still likes it [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] Link to the message – Top of the page IP:

" I have not found one yet. The point is that Peak is better. I found a hash tag that says he's sniffing socks, followed by Ritt's name. The neighborhood for fitness. I think this label is a person to take. See my full profile I did not find mine. I need to update the page.

Do you think this will happen to you?
"It's possible.I do not think it's really a sock that's not what it is.We're not the kind of person who feels the l & rsquo; smell of socks and that feels so refreshing.We are so worried.I took the socks to sniff.What is your nose? [1965902] This is not Gorn.This is not a shock to me, it's a way to get it.Why is it? it's a wonder.

It's okay, the socks are just socks ?
"Yes. I do not know if it's a secret or a secret that climbs into the bathroom, I can not find it. "

I do not want to meet
" I do not want to meet. I have to go to the bathroom now that I have to see what that is. Qu & # 39; you?

The bigger the pack, the better is this white
"It's time to use public toilets, I'll try not to leave my shirt, I'll wear a shirt. , b, e, v, n, t, s)
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