The study "trans fat" lowers fat. Increase the level of body fat.


Department of Disease Control The study found that trans fat reduced HDL, increased LDL cholesterol, increased the risk of noncommunicable diseases and reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Today (July 20, 2561), Dr. Asadang Richyanun, Deputy Director General and Spokesperson of the Department of Disease Control, said that after the publication of the Ministry of Public Health July 13, 2561. Production, import or distribution banned by scientific evidence only clearly. Trans fatty acids from partially hydrogenated oils have the potential to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. The Department of Disease Control is concerned about the health of the population. Trans fats are a common cause of chronic noncommunicable diseases such as coronary heart disease. Obesity, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure And Heart Disease.

Chronic disease in Thailand is likely to increase in patients and deaths.
Cardiovascular disease is the cause of death of many Thais every year. About 20,000 new cases have been reported, with an average annual increase of 30,000.
Hypertension Over the last five years (2013-2060) From 12,342 to 14,926
Diabetes brought the number of patients to 8.9% (about 5 million), and many epidemiological studies were conducted on the basis of the results of the Fifth Thai Health Survey in 2014 [19659005]. Things to See Trans fats in foods make LDL (low density lipoprotein), a type of bad cholesterol in the blood, and reduce HDL (High Density Lipoprotein), which is a good cholesterol in the blood. Studies in the United States indicate that do not eat trans fat. Prevent the occurrence of acute myocardial infarction from 10,000 to 20,000 cases per year and prevent the occurrence of coronary heart disease 3,000 to 7,000 cases per year

Many foods are likely to have trans fats as potatoes. Donuts, bakeries, snack foods, creams, whipped cream, butter, white margarine and biscuits, etc. Consumers should carefully read the nutrition label before making a purchase or obtaining it. Why? Look at the Nutrition Facts table and Nutrition Facts Total Fats If you use trans fats. In this area also found trans fat in cooking oil. This is due to the reaction between oil and hydrogen in food and water. Reduce the chances of trans fat in oil is to choose the right oil for the type of food such as fried or eat fresh. Or soybean oil fried foods should use palm oil or coconut oil. It can withstand high heat.

million. Asadang added that the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization recommend that people do not consume trans fat more than 1% of any the received energy. In 1 day (about 2.2 g)

Avoid trans fat gain. Does
1. Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables.
2. Should reduce / avoid eating different types of baked goods, especially puffs and pretzels.
4. Read the nutrition label carefully before making a purchase or eating.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. Department of Disease Control Tel .: 1422

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