The technique of "swallowing" in the elderly and the correct solution


We Will Find That "Swallowing Food" is a common problem among the elderly Lifestyle Thairath . Because when not in the elderly. Operating systems The body will deteriorate. Including swallowing. This is caused by structural anomalies. And the functions of the oral cavity, the larynx, the esophagus and the nervous system mechanism that control swallowing. As a result, the ability to swallow in the elderly has decreased. Older people have difficulty swallowing

. Dr. Pong Kanitananon

Click here to see the original document. Older people do not have teeth. Muscle is used to reduce chewing.
2. Pharyngeal Birth
3 Years Later Stroke Patients Neurological diseases include psychiatric disorders, including Parkinson's disease. Muscle contraction. […] Eat less, but often
2. Easy to digest and tasteless soft foods.
3. Use a small spoon and less depth.
4. Determine the amount of food per word.

Swallowing Technique

Should be arranged at the head and body of the elderly. Can compensate for faulty swallowing mechanisms.

Older people should take oral health care to reduce the accumulation of bacteria. Reduce the risk of aspiration pneumonia. The dentist regularly. And the wipes clean the mouth and tongue after each meal. Take care of the food left in the mouth. To prevent fungal infection, the function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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