The thrill! A group of armed men attacked the battlefield, while Afghanistan killed 15, holding dozens of hostages.


Another Afghan thrill. Gunmen attacked government buildings in Jalalabad. There were 15 dead and dozens of hostages. But the recent situation has resolved …

. Gunmen attacked government buildings in Jalalabad On Tuesday, July 31, in the east of Afghanistan, at least 15 people were killed and dozens of people were inside the building. .

The incident took place at the Refugee and Return Center. A group of bad guys driving black cars to the door before firing rifles. One of the criminals then fired on the suicide to destroy the door and two other armed men burst into the building. And a few minutes later. The car of the villain exploded.

Police officers were arrested at the scene of the accident. Last but not least, a spokesman for local authorities said the situation seemed to be resolved. The two men armed in the killings. The building was badly damaged

. At least 15 people died in this incident and 15 others were injured, but the number could increase as rescuers search the scene. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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