The thrill! Armed men take charge of LA stores that shoot hostage 1


Saturday night, July 21, local time, US Metropolitan Police, Los Angeles California It took nearly three hours to quell Joe Market's Silver Lake Marketer, who was shot dead by police officers who were fighting a police officer. And park the car inside the mall. The villains, later known as Afghan Americans, surrendered themselves to the police. One employee died in the store and another was injured.

Eric Garcia, Mayor of Los Angeles C & # 39; s the first time I see a friend of mine. South of Los Angeles Then drive away from the scene. Even officials found the car suspicious of the villain near Hollywood. I tried to leave the parking on the side of the road, but the villagers fled and shot several policemen. Before landing on the super margell, he went inside to use the client as a hostage.

Later, A shooter firing at a policeman and going by negotiation. The gunman was shot in the left arm. Authorities urgently help the hostages The US President Donald Trump tweeted during a careful observation of the situation. The cause or motive force of this violent sniper is being investigated. Should be a personal conflict.

Same day South Africa A group of armed men attacked a small bus with a group of taxi drivers. Born in Colorado. Gauteng Province Around 11 passengers were killed on the bus. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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