The thrill! Hand knives hunt people by bus Germany At least 14 patients


Accidental knives chase people by bus In North Lublin of Germany One of the deadliest victims was a police raid.

Police in North Lublin of Germany Revealed on Friday. The event was held at 13:47 local time. When a man suspects of holding a knife in a bus full of passengers. German police have not yet identified the number of injuries. But there is no death.

BBC News. Quote from several local newspapers. At least 14 people were injured and one was fatal.

Meanwhile, local newspaper Lübecker Nachrichten reports that a 34-year-old man was also reported by one of the witnesses, stating that a man who stabbed a passenger in the chest While he was giving a place to older women on the last bus,

The local police also investigated the suspect. I do not know what motive of this incident is a terrorist?

In December 2016, there was a Tunisian rapist who was linked to Israeli warriors. Driving cars At the Christmas market At least 12 people died.

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