The U-17 pilot won – This is a nightmare. I need a safe mother to wait & # 39;


The mother of one of the U-17 pilots, FaceBook, Won's asking is a nightmare. The child must be safe

From the incident, the aircraft U-17 reconnaissance aircraft lost contact with the control tower of Mae Hong Son and more later found in the area south of Huay Pung, Huai Pa, Muang Mae Hong Son. As previously proposed. (3rd Division Commander U-17 s' crashed at Mae Hong Son I found the remains.)

Later On July 21, around 9 pm, it was reported that four soldiers were killed and three others were killed, Lieutenant-Colonel Naruemol Phoonthong. The pilot and Lieutenant Khem Ratcha Duangkaew Passenger with a casualty was N. Chan Nanchan Dam, Rama, 17 000.

. The wounded can talk. Fractures But do not know the point. The car was taken to the wounded. The 3 dead, the 3rd Army ordered not to move. To organize the guard. And he will check the identity of tomorrow. (July 6, 61)

However, before the mother of the war veteran posted by Facebook after the son. "It's just a nightmare, mother, I want my mother to be safe." made a lot of encouraging comments (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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