The words of the car bearing the ball Krishna tears tears married!


At the morning ceremony, both were married to Krishna. It's an engagement ceremony and a cup of tea among the loved ones of two close close family respects. For friends.

And in the evening, the wedding ceremony took place. At the Grand Hyatt Erawan Hotel,

the bride would like the little mermaid. I made a mermaid girl. The dowry of the ball says that according to the beauty and balance of the woman. The 4-carat diamond ring with the groom to choose your own hands.

What is the feeling today?
Carry "C was happy, happy, because we both had the time to live together for a long time, and today it's time to fully mature, both adults know it." [19659002] Early morning, it was a tea ceremony to raise a banana in a traditional Thai mix.But to focus on China.I am Chinese.I have a friend. "

I was doing a lot pretend. [Archive] "Very Long Offline.

How to Lose Weight?
How to Lose Weight?" This is not a lot of money because of AG 20 (laughs) But the nuclear checkpoint is difficult

Finally, sign the contract My brother has a sign that I will not give in. I will love this girl for life. love writing I have to sign it. (laughs) "

Dowry is very lame
It's really the beauty of his brother. I'm not sure what you mean by that. So your parents did not ask for anything. I just want to love this girl as he likes.

According to the news, there is a land title?
The balloon. "It's good.Most adults talk about a 4 carat carat diamond is not chosen.I have to pick it up."

"He did a surprise design. not say how many carats.And do not say that it is a mark.

The peculiarity of this ring.
The ball. "This is true. I have never known the diamond ring. I have never known anything about it. But I have to sit down myself. I do not dare to consult. We both believe in the teacher

who is a teacher at home. He does not tell anyone. By buying a ring, it is rather calm. I'm sorry, the media is because it's really wrong. "

door." He is married since August 29, his birthday ball "

Ball" It's been almost a year. This will be known as this year. Because he did not say anything. You said you want to hide it. I must say. Journalists in the evening ceremony.

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Carrying "Un de mes friends asks if all the goods are from a car, is not it? (laughs), who was married at the hotel, has a sheriff registrar to register the marriage

Y does it have a way to change the prefix of a name? Just change the last name Because he asked for his last name, he did not go down. I have only one cartoon.If there is another child wants to have a son.

Do you plan to have a successor?
Ball "I was planning to have it. I have a son. "

I have a boyfriend because he has a girl cartoon. [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] Link to the message – Top of the page IP: Connected My sister loves the little mermaid I just want to have a world under the sea I do not know how to do it.It was the happiest of his life.It's a good idea to make a decision. "

Feeling Today 39; hui
In fact, the period of 2 years 3 months, some couples say it very quickly. I think that's what we are going through. We do not want to mention it. But that makes us prove it enough. I feel that if I do not decide to ask this woman to get married.

What's happening to you?
"Just the day the ball was happy, he was next to us and the day we were the worst, he is always at our side and protecting us all the time."

Why Want you live with this man?
"We have experimented a number of lessons.The past comes together.This guy can be passed by the family.No doubt.Parents will be very serious about their boyfriends if they do not go

He will not agree, but the elder brother makes us love him.But him that he will be able to take care of this girl for life. [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] "We opened a Japanese restaurant in Chiang Mai. And then help the hotel business. "

Ball" I want to help. Learn more about marketing the balloon boss. "

Defeating the heart of the cartoon?
Carry" We have nothing to gain. Just use love in his heart. Including your mother. I do not know if that is true or not, but I do not really like it with the real heart that he touched

. Or try to do anything. It's very entertaining. We must love everything around him, his mother, his daughter is what he likes the most. [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image]

Feeling that there is a child named Ma Ma?
wears "happy, door, I was very happy.Now we are like a party that has replenished that it was missing."

Ball. "Morning work he was involved off-line, holding two covenants in the procession. "

Carry [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image]" As we do not think today will happen, I do not think it is the date of Reporters like that.The ball feels like a miracle.The first day I found it.I feel very high.'I'm sorry, 'he said. What Comes Together?

Where to go on a honeymoon? "Expected to be a European country. I want to go cold. "

Ball" After composing, he would take his daughter to Korea because he wanted to go to Korea. I'm not sure if that's the case. I just finished filming. Wait for the broadcast. I do not know how to do it. But maybe less because we have to move to Chiang Mai. Hangout in Chiang Mai

How many couples are there?
How often do you get married?

Sure, I'm (laughs), it depends on me having a solution. "

Nuclear do you have grandchildren?"

What would you like to leave a fan?
Carrying "Thank you very much for passing us. I must admit that at this point there must be some criticism. And the words that he has despised us. Maybe people decide the person from the outside image or that he does not really know us?

But at that time, we chose to neglect. It's a lesson for us. And there are people who support us a lot. We choose to look good. Everything is over now and it's over. Here we ask that we speak of the present happier. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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