– Tie – shy & # 39; couple lives the dramatic life "Pine love line"


Continuation of the Series on Reflection on Social Bile "Close Lines of Love" Produced by Mr. Lynch Brothers Brothers Limited Must – Chulalongkorn University [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] Monta in front of the young hero. "Tui – Pongsakorn The Mekong The Mekong The Mekong Assigned to keep track of Monta a young woman who was the victim of domestic violence. Monta was her husband splashed with acidic water until she was disfigured.The first Mekong to meet. Monta She does not want to go out because & # 39; She is tired of telling stories several times, and she pursues him and quietly closes the house. Mekong also confirmed that he will return home until this Monta speaks. on the way back Tchaikman Mekong at the Town Hall Fair because Tisha is the daughter of Khunying Ravi President of the Foundation for Children with Disabilities Tisha Feeling Good Méko ng I do not want to go back to work entertainment of young and hot business people In the past, it seemed good, but behind the back to find the benefits of even children. Tisha it was because of that. Khunying Rawi satisfied and leads the way. Mekong Back to the home of Monta But this time, he met his mother. ruby ​​ Monta is not happy to see him soaked in his life, so hunted. […] Posted in Uncategorized | Comments (0) | PostAuthorIcon Author: To help others worse than her She took him to his apartments to help people in need. The Mekong Go to restaurant […] I'm not sure if that's the case. When a child is served in a new store. [Chercher ce fil] Remember when she was 19459007 Tisha listened to the story. [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] When I saw Mekong and Tisha were together, they saw the costume of both.

One day it hurts. The children of the community disappeared after saying go to work at the pub. [Lire la suite] Mekong Go to the pub, but found Monta in the spot of a waitress dressed to find a missing friend. Mekong and Monta emphasized the emphasis on trafficking in human beings PRAY could be behind the scenes.

Will the two help them out of this vicious circle? Pashashha the defender Prachakrit Savitri The prince of tears Prince Saraton [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] Waraphan Watch the series "My hero, my love" Re: "The thread of love" Every Friday and Sunday on channel 3 HD and readable.

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