Tokyo test coffee testing robot Promotion of people with disabilities: PPTVHD36


Yesterday, in Tokyo, Japan, a new coffee was launched. The robots are served as servers. But the android coffee here is unlike any other. He guarantees that he does not take the job seriously. It also helps create jobs for the disabled and disadvantaged.

    Tokyo test coffee test robot Encourage people with disabilities.
Tokyo test coffee test robot Encourage people with disabilities.

Foreign news agencies reported. The highlight of this café is the server robot. OriHime-D is developed by Ory Lab Inc., a company that promotes employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Or have problems working in public

But the military's robots are here. Do not drive and order with artificial intelligence systems or AI models widely used in other cafes. It is mandatory and mandatory for at least 10 people trained in food service and customer service.

By the staff behind these robots. The fee is 1000 yen or 290 baht per hour. To control the robots. To get orders and talk to customers. Noosomi Murata, who previously worked for the company, is one of the employees. Until sick. I have to change my wheelchair all the time. Because of muscle weakness. She said that she was excited to be back. This coffee is still on trial. It will be open until December 7, before its full official opening in 2020.

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