Tom's girlfriend attacked his girlfriend in Sukhothai House. I do not think I can escape.


Police shows a warrant for arrest [Nouvelles] T-ara's girlfriend is injured And the litigation. The last time is 12:30 pm on July 23, Pol.Lt.Pol.Dol, deputy director of Ban Kaeng Police Station. If Satchanalai, Sukhothai with investigators. Under the direction of Lieutenant-Colonel Sirichet Thanyatharaphak went to the home of Miss Kanchanasin Prasert, 27, in the village of Tom at Sattahip, Si Satchanalai.

Miss Kanjana told the officer. After the incident, I did not think about escaping. He also visited the Phaholyothin police officer and then returned to his home in Sukhothai, and if the police contact the Phaholyothin police, they are ready to meet.

Later, the agent gave a warrant for arrest. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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