Tong Pu


Menu the bridge today. It looks like a salty pork. But the original called "Pig Dongpo" of the food of Hangzhou City. Capital of Zhejiang Province C is one of the six oldest cities of the People's Republic of China. In the east. The most developed. Economic Importance

The Dong Pua pig is the first pig pig to the governor. It's a recipe for Sue Dong Governor of Hangzhou In the Northern Dynasty. The story of the other. When building a dam to protect Lake flooded Yu The dam is Su. Well known Chinese. The Su Dam not only adds to the beauty of Hangzhou's landscapes. It also helps prevent flooding in Hangzhou. The villagers harvest the crops. Agriculture too. The villagers show Thank you Bring pork and white wine to "Sutong Poo" a lot of Suyang Poo so I took the pork to ferment. Chinese liquor, then cooking to distribute to people who help build a dam. This menu is very popular. And the restaurants in Hangzhou City have raised the board. The menu is still to this day by Tuang – Tuang Thong. Fortune The beautiful young woman of the university president Ramkhamhaeng "Asst Lapcharoenpak" to serve as a side dish with traditional Thai food. "Rice mixed with shrimp paste" instead of sweet pork is just as delicious.

Seasoning: Pork belly (pork belly) 1 kg / Chinese 1 cup small / soy sauce (salted) 5 tablespoons / black soy sauce 5 tablespoons / soy sauce 3 tablespoons / sugar (sweetened to taste) / red brown rice (crushed) 1 small cup / fresh ginger 5 thin slices / red onion 10 heads / onion 2 heads / spring onion 10 / pork bones in boiled water (Soup ) / Coriander root 15 Root / Cinnamon 2 sticks / 5 anise / starch flour …….

how to do it

1) Bring the boiled pork to the. water for about 1 hour to set it up.

2) Waiting for the ginger, onion, onion, boiled onion, coriander, fry and pick them up, drain the oil.

3) Bring the boiled pork to the pot. Pig skin glued to the bottom of the pot. Then add the broth.

4) Add Chinese liquor, brown rice, grilling sugar, soy sauce, black soy sauce (salty), black soy sauce (sweet), cinnamon anise and cover the lid. Pot Simmer 2 hours more, watching that the water does not dry. Will burn the skin of the pig at the bottom of the pot. And a burning smell. I can not eat When it comes to picking pork.

5) Bring the flour to the boiling water. Set the fire to stick as desired. Then pour on the pork belly. Ready to serve. Can be eaten with hot rice. Or eat as a side dish with shrimp paste instead of sweet pork according to the formula.

Tip that makes red pork. Brown rice. The teacher's idea To make the pork belly colorful. And the soup is thickened.

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