Trat continues to rain. I do not know what to do.


Heavy rain! Trat night A lot of floods. […]

From the weather warning that a lot of heavy rain in Thailand. Trad fell from the middle of the night on July 16, 2061, until the end of July 17, 2018, it was still raining. As a result, floods in many areas of Trat. Many roads have high flood levels. Some small cars can not be routed. This caused many cars to be damaged. Because the engine was flooded. Both prevent disaster relief And help save Trat.

especially the road in front of the city of Trat, Muang Trat, with flood levels of about 50-80 cm high, cars can only travel on one channel, which is low . In addition, flooding in the streets flooded houses, shops along the road. The officials of the city of Trat. I have to bring sandbags to prevent the flood of the public store. And bring the car out. To reduce the water level.

million. Thitinan Udomsuk, head of the Office of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Trat has issued a warning to the public to prepare for the level of rainfall. Will fall in this period. July 14-19, 61, during the last night. Rainfall was highest in Klong Yai with a rainfall of 195.5 mm, followed by 99.2 mm in the Laem Ngob district, 85.5 mm and 50.8 mm. The problem that is now is. In the city of Trat Precipitation falls heavily and continuously.

The head of the Trad Department stated that the involved personnel are accelerating the drainage towards the sea as soon as possible. He has also coordinated with the relevant authorities in various fields. Throughout Trat Province, monitor the water level according to various water sources. Channels and rivers everywhere If the water overflows. People (f, b, e) will be able to get help from people living near the river or the canal to follow the news of Trat's Prevention and Mitigation Center. v, n, t, s)
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