Tricky Drip Trick Free! England takes the lead 1-0 to end the first half of the World Cup.


Ciaran stumbling beat free kick to the England team. Croatia will qualify 1-0 in the first half of the 2018 World Cup finals

2018 World Cup finals The second match will take place on 11 July at Luciani Stadium in Croatia. England

5 minutes in the English game to get a free kick in the penalty area of ​​the penalty area Cyril Triffer turn on the wall Tung beautiful mesh

Croatia I put the game in the 39 England 19 minutes, Ivan Perisic cut the shot before the ball with the exit of the frame.

36 minutes, England nearly two children, Ally fell into the penalty box before sinking. But the ball fell.

The rest of the two teams have no team to score more goals. The first half also brought England.

List of both teams

Croatia: 4-2-3-1: Daniyev Subaru (GK): Ivan Strinic Yvida, Dejan Lafreau, Simone Suckao: Ivan Rakitic, Marcelo Brossovich: Ivan Perisic , Luke Kovitchi beach, state Forest beach: Mario super big Kitchener

English: 3-5-2: pick, Jordan Ford (GK): Harry McGuire, John. Tires, Kyle Walger: Kieran Trilby, Ashley Young, Dale Allie, Jodie Henderson, Jesse No Lynn Cards: Harry Caine, Raheem Sterling

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