Truth be told not to withdraw from NATO after the surrender of members


President Donald Trump revealed today. Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) have pledged to increase defense spending by more than 2% of gross domestic product. (GDP)

said Trump. After asking that the NATO countries increase NATO's contribution to NATO defense spending to 4% of GDP by more than 2% as provided in the agreement of NATO

. It's strengthened over the past two days, "Trump told reporters

earlier.Trump President threatened to pull the United States out of NATO without approval of the Congress, but today he insists that such action is not necessary.Amber members agree to increase their defense spending []. 19659002] President Trump criticized Germany and other European nations who exploited the United States by paying less for defense spending than in the United States. Germany pays 1.1% of GDP to NATO in 2015 and promises to increase to 1.5% by 2025.

Currently, only five of the 29 countries in the world NATO contributed 2% targeted by the United States, the United Kingdom, Greece, Estonia and Poland

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